The earliest wig



The earliest wig

thousand years ago, the ancient egyptians in Africa started using first wig.

This is the ancient Egyptian pharaoh tuthmosis iii concubines used wigs, oh.
The Chinese have long had the habit of wearing a wig, initially for upper-class women accessories. During the spring and autumn when the wig, \"zuo · 6 seventeen years\" account WeiZhuang male see on the wall Dijon unable to himself for his wife's hair is very beautiful, is ordered to shave off her hair forcibly, make false to his wife, lu jiang as a decoration, known as \"lu jiang Di\".
In the middle period of qing dynasty, western and western wig to China, yongzheng emperor had wear western-style wig.
In Europe, the full lace wigs in the various forms of performing arts and etiquette form wear. In the UK and most of the commonwealth, the wig is one of the leading lawyers and judges of the court dress.
Today, black particularly large demand for wig, due to their natural hair of disadvantage, they have to wear a wig. Do you know that in Africa, a wig as attractive as paper money, you may send them a wig is more useful than to send them money.
Due to dye the soup has hurt hair, wig will be more and more popular! Bond wig, let us start from scratch!